Vovochka (Вовочка)
German title: Wowotschka
Russian title: Вовочка
Original title: Вовочка
Child movie – Russia
Production year: 2002
Movie length: 96 minutes
Director: Igor Muzhzhukhin (Игорь Мужжухин),
Writer: Igor Muzhzhukhin (Игорь Мужжухин),
Cinematograph: Anatoly Susekov (Анатолий Сусеков),
Music: Vladimir Dashkevich (Владимир Дашкевич),
Movie description:
Vovochka is a young boy with his heart set on adventure. Arriving in a sleepy suburb of Moscow on New Years eve, Vovochka proceeds to wreak light-hearted havoc everywhere he goes. A delightful tale, with parallels to »HOME ALONE«, this is a coming-of-age movie seen from a uniquely childlike viewpoint.
Boy Actors
Maxim Yemelyanov
(Vovochka, 12 years old)
Birthday: 13.05.1990

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Nikita Karakosow
(Dzhon / John)
Birthday: 13.09.1993

Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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